FastTrack for the Dedicated

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  • 🚀 Beginner Groups

  • 📙 Pattern System Series

  • 🎵 Ari's Rhythm Matrix

  • 🎷 Jazz Practice Intensives

  • 🎧 EarTraining and Transcribing

Level Up with Ari's MasterClasses

  • Choose from a variety of past Masterclasses to learn from

  • Topics such as The Pattern System and The Rhythm Matrix are organized in various levels. Always start with Level 1 - even if you are advanced - as it's Level 1 of the method.

  • Always unique content, no overlap! No two groups are ever the same, even if they are both the same level!

  • Took a level and need more practice? Simply choose the same level again to practice more (many students do and did that).

  • Practice along and do the assignments and you will spend a highly prouctive time on the bass indeed!

  • Some groups were together for a long time as they progressed together. Join them!

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Hear from our Students

Grow as a Musician

Ellie J

Pattern 1 is precisely what I needed at just the right time. This course is definitely challenging in the best sense.
Building a strong foundation and putting the bricks where they need to be, so to speak.

Setting this foundation to grow as a musician and be an authentic skilled player.

I am thrilled to be in this course and will definitely enroll in Pattern 2. I am grateful to be learning from Ari - musician and bass player and human extraordinaire.

It’s a holistic experience. I highly and hugely recommend this course and learning from Ari to any bass player world wide. For any player who is searching for a mentor and a method you have found it with Ari.

I started to think more musically without feeling overwhelmed

John R.

Just a note to thank you for the great classes on your Pattern System book.
This system really can open musical doors in the best way possible.

By structuring your playing around the 5 shapes our minds can grasp this information systematically, plus the way you drip feed the exercises I started to think more musically without feeling overwhelmed!

Thank you and the team for all you do!

Incredibly worthwhile to take a second time

Paul B

This was the second time I took the Pattern System Level 1 course and it was incredibly worthwhile. I picked up on a number of aspects of the pattern system that I overlooked the first time through. It has really helped to cement the pattern system in my brain and has improved my knowledge of the fretboard (including the 5-string). I highly recommend this course to anyone that wants a thorough knowledge of the electric bass.

I’ve learned more [...] in the last ten weeks than in the three or four years of combined instruction locally

Randy F.

I signed up for the next session less than 24 hours after the info was posted so that should tell you something.

I’ve taken in-person lessons from four local “teachers" here in the Columbus area and have learned bits and pieces from each of them.

What I didn’t learn was how to tie those bits and pieces up into a usable bundle. I’ve learned more about that part of it in the last ten weeks than in the three or four years of combined instruction locally.

I plan on continuing with this course until I feel comfortable enough to walk into any situation, plug in, and hold my own and would recommend anybody spending some time in a class of their interest with Ari.

Helped me understand rhythmsChris N.

First of all I wanted to tell you how much I've learned in our class and it has really help me understand the rhythms.

Your teaching methods are amazing.

I now find myself trying to identify the rhythm patterns on tunes as I drive to work and transcribing some of the bass lines that constantly bounce around my head.