Course curriculum

    1. If the modes are all Greek to you...

    2. Quiz for you

    3. Things for me

    1. Why you want to learn the modes

    2. My Theory: You already Know More than you Think (I-V)

    3. The Speed of Intuition Kinda Fast (I-IV-V)

    4. What a Crazy Shortcut this is (I-V-Vim-IV)

    5. What Does "Relate" it to the Root mean?

    6. To Summarize: The Gigantic Shortcut

    1. There is Just One Problem...

    2. Diatonic Music Using the Modes

    3. Versus True Modal Music: Stories through Colors

    1. Ari's Modes Matrix

    2. checkning in video 13


    4. THink of Modes in one of Two ways: Mode Matrix method

    5. Parent Scale Method

    6. What it means: Colors... Bright and Dark... Let's Decode it!

    7. SomeWhere oVer the Rainbow

    8. Pedalling Modes Drill

    1. A Little Sidenote if Improv, groove and Fill stuff is hard for you (place this later, after first few drills as its own CHAPTER)

    2. QUIZ

    1. Lydian Introduction, Characteristics, Song Samples

    2. Lydian Trill Drill

    3. Lydian Noodle Stay

    4. Lydian Groove and Fill

    5. Lydian Groove

    6. Lydian Trick in jazz

About this course

  • $225.00
  • 63 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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