Welcome! (The Intro)
Important Navigation Tips
Optional Additional Support
Lesson 1 • Welcome to Ear Confidence - 6 Paths to Fearless Ears
Lesson 2 • Important Message
Lesson 3 • Tonedeaf?
Lesson 4 • Tonedeaf Test
Lesson 5 • Tinkering Along the Edges
Lesson 6 • Structure of this Course
Quiz #1
Lesson 7 • Overview and First Drills
Lesson 7 • Answer Key
Lesson 8 • Fine Tuning Drills
Lesson 8 • Answer Key
Lesson 9 • Zooming all the Way in
Lesson 10 • More Drills
Lesson 11 • Compound Intervals and the Diatonic Cycle in Tenths
Lesson 11 • Assets
Quiz #2
Lesson 12 • Soundclass: Bluesy
Lesson 13 • Blues in D7
Lesson 14 • Where to go from here with Soundclasses
Bluesy Business
Quiz #3
🐈 Hey there, Jazz Cat! 🐈‍⬛
Lesson 15 • Introduction Call & Imitate
Lesson 16 • Know your instrument! (Drills!)
Lesson 17 • How Rhythm Changes Pitch Perception
Lesson 18 • Attain Flexibility with Rhythm (Drills)
Lesson 19 • Why Does Rhythm Affect Pitch Perception (Summary)?
RHYTHMIC SAMPLES (for your own practice)
Lesson 20 • Nurturing Your Inner Music - Step 1
Lesson 21 • Nurturing Your Inner Music Step 2
Lesson 22 • Advanced Exercises With Others
Lesson 23 • Summary
Quiz #4
Glowing Success 🌟 👂 🌟
Join our Facebook Group
Lesson 24 • Introduction
Lesson 25 • The Smallest Units: Intervals
Lesson 26 • Fourths, Fifths, Octaves
Lesson 27 • Seconds and Sevenths
Lesson 28 • Thirds and Sixths
Matrix of Song Beginnings
Lesson 29 • Lydian Context
Lesson 30 • Dominant Context
Lesson 31 • Hear Intervals Back to Back: Major versus Minor
Lesson 32 • Bluesy Sharp 9
Lesson 33 • Chords (Contrasts): Major Seventh, Minor Seventh
Quiz #5
Lesson 34 • Modal & Functional Harmony 1
Lesson 35 • Ari's Shortcut to Modes: Intro
Lesson 36 • Own the Modes: Major Modes
Lesson 37 • Own the Modes: Minor Modes
Lesson 38 • Own the Modes: A Rainbow from Dark to Bright
Lesson 39 • Own the Modes: Pedal Exercise
Lesson 40 • Modal and Functional Harmony 2
Lesson 41 • Tell me a Song in a Mode
Quiz #6
Songlist: Modes
Lesson 42: Modes Takeaway
Lesson 43 • Modes Song Exercise
Lesson 44 • Theory is like a Sudoku
Quiz #7
Lesson 45 • Common Chord Progressions ("Just Jumping in")
Lesson 46 • Chords: Major Triads and Their Inversions
Lesson 47 • Chords: Triad Pairs
Lesson 48 • Chords: Minor Triads and Inversions
Lesson 49 • Turning Minor Into Major
Lesson 50 • Chords: Diminished Triads
Lesson 51 • Turn Diminished Into Dominant
Lesson 52 • Chords: The Augmented Triad
Lesson 53 • Chords: Practice Summary
Lesson 54 • Chord Progressions
Lesson 55 • Diatonic Cycle in Major
Lesson 56 • Diatonic Cycle in Minor
Lesson 57 • Transcribing Chord Progressions: Challenges
Lesson 58 • Drills for Chord Progressions Using iRealPro
My Tutorial on iRealPro
Lesson 59 • Playing Practice iRealPro: Chord Progression 1625
Lesson 60 • iRealPro Playing Practice 3625
Lesson 61 • iRealPro Playing Practice 1625 3625
Lesson 62 • iRealPro Playing Practice: 1451
Lesson 63 • iRealPro Playing Practice: 1415
iRealPro Listening Practice: Songs
Lesson 64 • iRealPro Playing Practice: 1514
Lesson 65 • iRealPro Playing Practice 1564
1564 Chord Songs [comedic education alert]
Lessons 58 - 65 • iReal Pro Resources
Lesson 66 • iRealPro Listening Practice
Chord Progression Song List
Quiz #8
Another Major Milestone 🎯
Lesson 67 • Intro to Functional Ear Training
Functional Ear Trainer Resource
Lesson 68 • Functional Ear Training Scales Practice
Lesson 69 • Functional Ear Training Drills
Lesson 70 • Functional Ear Training Chromatic
Lesson 71 • "The Noodle-Stay Exercise"
Lesson 72 • Summary
Quiz #9
Well Done - You Finished a Pass Through the Fourth Path 💙 🌐 💙
Lesson 73 • Intro
Lesson 74 • Playing Song Melodies on the Bass
Lesson 75 • Key Center
Lesson 76 • Singing EarTraining
Solfege Resources
Lesson 77 • Singing to Help you Transpose
Lesson 78 • Singing to Fill in the Blanks
Lesson 79 • Singing in the Shower: Your Daily Drill to Golden Ears
Lesson 80 • Singing Harmonies
Lesson 81: Transcribing your Inner Music Using your Voice
Numbers for Inner Hearing Practice
Quiz #10
Singing your praises... 🎙 🐿 🎙
Lesson 82 • Intro
Transcription Programs
Lesson 83 • Transcribe! Navigation and Zooming
Lesson 84 • Help for Rhythm: Markers and Clapping
Lesson 85 • Slow it Down!
Lesson 86 • Loop to Shed
Lesson 87 • Optimizing the Sound
Songs used in the videos
Lesson 88 • Outro
My Tutorial on the Program Transcribe!
Transcribe List of Key Commands
Quiz #11
Fantastic! You Finished the Sixth Path! 🎧 ☕️ 🎧
Record Yourself!
Download the play along tracks
Thanks and Congrats!
Table of Contents
Course Overview and Recap
Congratulations, You Finished the Course! 🙌 🧡 🙌

Social proof: testimonials

"I spent many frustrating years hunting and pecking around to try and learn songs by ear."

Jesse Perez, used by permission

"I have always wanted to learn songs without resorting to buying sheet music or following tabs. I spent many frustrating years hunting and pecking around to try and learn songs by ear.

Ari’s Ear Confidence course finally got me started on the tools I needed for learning this skill.

Working out songs by ear is always a challenge, but one of the most enjoyable parts of playing and studying music.

I am grateful to Ari’s course for helping me get started on this part of my musical education.”