These videos come with the book

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  • 89 videos from the book

  • Seeing reinforces learning

Course Curriculum

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    1. Video 70 - Page 115: Ionian

    2. Video 71 - Page 115: Dorian

    3. COURSE EXCERPT: Funky Dorian (Unit 18 • Bass Line Lab)

    4. Video 72: Page 115: Phrygian

    5. Video 73 - Page 116: Lydian

    6. Video 74 - Page 116: Mixolydian

    7. Video 75 - Page 116: Aeolian

    8. Video 76 - Page 116: Locrian

    9. FREE COURSE SAMPLE: "Call and Response"

About this course

  • Free
  • 9 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content