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  • 89 videos from the book

  • Seeing reinforces learning

Course Curriculum

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    1. Video 8 - Page 18: Interval Quantity and Quality

    2. Video 9 - Page 19: Interval Tip

    3. Video 10 - Page 19: Interval Qualities

    4. Video 11 - Page 22: Prime

    5. Video 12 - Page 23: Prime Grooves

    6. Video 13 - Page 23: Minor Second

    7. COURSE INFO VIDEO: The three ingredients for success

    8. FREE COURSE SAMPLE (Coaching): Dig Deep, This is important!

    9. Video 14 - Page 25: Major Second

    10. Video 15 - Page 26: Minor Second Groove

    11. Video 16 - Page 26: Major Second Groove

    12. Video 17 - Page 28: Chromatic Scale

    13. Video 18 - Page 29: Whole Tone Scale

    14. Video 19 - Page 31: Diminished Scale

    15. Video 20 - Page 32: Diminished Dominant Scale

    16. Video 21 - Page 33: Minor and Major Thirds

    17. COURSE INFO VIDEO: A word on Levels

    18. Video 22 - Page 33: Thirds Grooves

    19. Video 23 - Page 35: Minor Thirds in Succession

    20. Video 24 - Page 36: Major Thirds in Succession

    21. Video 25 - Page 37: Fourths

    22. Video 26 - Page 38: Groove with Fourths

    23. COURSE INFO VIDEO: Mastering the Online Format

    24. FREE COURSE SAMPLE: Unit 3 Theory Quiz (Questions in quizzes vary each time so you can do them often. This is an abbreviated sample)

    25. Video 27 - Page 39: Fourths in Succession

    26. Video 28 - Page 40: Fifths

    27. Video 29 - Page 41: Grooves with Fifths

    28. Video 30 - Page 42: Fifths in Succession

    29. Video 31 - Page 43: Sixths

    30. Video 32 - Page 44: Minor Sixth Groove

    31. Video 33 - Page 44: Major Sixth Groove

    32. Video 34 - Page 45: Sixths in Succession

    33. Video 35 - Page 45: Minor Sevenths

    34. Video 36 - Page 45: Major Sevenths

    35. Video 37 - Page 47: Minor Sevenths Groove

    36. Video 38 - Page 47: Major Sevenths Groove

    37. Video 39 - Page 48: Octave

    38. Video 40 - Page 49: Octave Groove

    39. Video 41 - Page 49: Tritone

    40. Video 42 - Page 51: Tritone Groove

    41. Video 43 - Page 52: Inversions

    42. Video 44 - Page 55: Tenths up the Major Scale

    43. Video 45 - Page 56: Groove with Tenths

About this course

  • Free
  • 43 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content